Okay, so finally I’ve updated the website with a story entitled Supergirl: Crush.
Now, I’m trying something different. Partly because of time constraints, but also because I’ve been asked a LOT of time whether I can just release comic photo books without the comic part. i.e. like MandiSteele.com and AdaraSteele.com do it.
I’ve always avoided doing this. The Steele’s do it very well, and I always wanted SuperSexyHeroines.com to be all about the comic book.
But I’ve been running this website for around 7 years now and never really tried it properly…
… so here goes.
Filling the update slots for the 17th April, 24th April and 1st May is a new comic photoset called Crush featuring a very beautiful Hooters Girl/Supergirl.
Its interesting because when I look through the photos I have her in my head saying XYZ. i.e. a little attitude, etc. But your take on it may be completely different. Will be interesting to hear what you guys thought the original story concept was.
Also, let me know what you think of the Comic Book VS Comic Photostory. You like it? Hate it?
despite the delay i gave one word….AWESOME!!!!!
It will be more awesome to see Dark Star like this one!!!
I said Dark Star beacues is my favourite.