POLL – Comics or Movies
I’d be interested to know – Live-action Superheroine comic books, or live-action movies? [yop_poll id=”1″] Continue reading POLL – Comics or Movies
I’d be interested to know – Live-action Superheroine comic books, or live-action movies? [yop_poll id=”1″] Continue reading POLL – Comics or Movies
At the moment I am ploughing through a lot of unedited photos and footage to release a bunch of new stuff on the Superheroines.net website in the next few weeks leading up to Christmas. Its great going over all the stuff I’ve not yet had a chance to edit – and there is some GREAT stuff in there. But, looking forward to next month and … Continue reading On the look out for new models
On Thursday I published a post about Submitting Stories and I inserted an old picture of Kyla Cole. She does – of course – look absolutely phenomonal. So it then got me thinking. Its Friday, you come home after a long week at work and you know you have your place to yourself for the evening. You’re thinking you’ll crack open a few beers and … Continue reading So what would you do if this happened
I’m keen to improve on: a) help and support on all websites I look after b) obtaining and acting upon suggestions on how to improve the website, the comic books, the movies, etc So I have created two accounts: GetSatisfaction http://www.getsatisfaction.com/superheroines This is for you guys to get in touch if you have a problem with your membership, with a website, or any general support … Continue reading Member and community Support and Feedback
This should divide opinion! Who has been your top 3 favourite models that have graced the pages of the SuperSexyHeroines.com comic books over the last seven years. A tricky one because I think that the superheroine they played may be a factor. For a listing of all 56 models, have a look at: http://supersexyheroines.com/models/ Once the results are collated and published I’ll then contact the … Continue reading Poll – your favourite SuperSexyHeroines.com model
So, I’m in the mood for another poll. This time to find out your Top 5 favourite SuperSexyHeroines.com comic books of all time. In the last 7 years I’ve published 70 comic books, and I’m really interested to know what the top 5 comic books are. You can choose up to 5 comic books I will close the poll on 1st June 2012 and publish … Continue reading Poll – your favourite SuperSexyHeroines.com comic book
Hey, so yesterday I uploaded a three chapter story called ‘Crush’ featuring a very sexy girl who defends her crush against some big jock. Nothing new in this right? Well, it was the first time I’ve published a story in what I call a ‘MandiSteele.com’ style. Let me be clear, I’m not saying the MandiSteele way is wrong, or inferior, etc. They do it very … Continue reading Poll – Comic Book vs Photo Story
For anyone that hasn’t yet completely the ‘Ultimate Supergirl’ poll and told me all the attributes that make up your perfect superheroine, have a look at the link below: http://superheroines.polldaddy.com/s/ultimate-supergirl I’ll be collating all the results and publishing in the first week of June, so get your opinion in now! Continue reading Ultimate Supergirl Poll – closes 31st May
Okay, I’ve been wanting to do this for a while! Your Ultimate Supergirl. Tell me attributes your ultimate Supergirl has. – how old is she? – how big are her boobs? – what does her costume look like? – what kind of boots? – does she wear tights/pantyhose? It takes less than 5 minutes and you can see what everyone else has entered when you … Continue reading Your Ultimate Supergirl
So next week I’m meeting my friend who creates all my costumes for me. She’s in retirement but after a lot of begging I’ve managed to convince her that for the sake of hundreds of superheroine fans that want to see their favourite sexy models in tight superheroine costumes, she has agreed to create some new ones for me. She digs the whole superheroine thing … Continue reading New superheroine costume
So I moved all my websites from one host and have now split them across other servers on a new hosting company. My experience of 1&1 was very very negative and I would not recommend them to anyone. However on a more positive note I wanted to explain my thinking behind the new blog. So its still a WordPress blog. But its the latest version, … Continue reading A new superheroine blog!!
Its about time that we introduce a new superheroine to the SuperSexyHeroines universe. I was thinking a new young and sexy character based on the Wonder Girl costume. i.e. something kind of like Wonder Woman, but a little more contempory and something that young women today would actually wear. I’m not suggesting that I’m going to do away with Wonder Babe. Instead I want to … Continue reading Wonder Girl costume
I’m shooting the next comic book for the SuperSexyHeroines.com website tomorrow, and I think I’ve picked a story that we can do in that location. So I’m just preparing things and deciding on the costume that the super-villainess will be wearing. But then I thought that if you guys are choosing the story, why don’t you choose the villainess outfit too! To give you a … Continue reading What super-villainess do you want in the next chapter?
Hey, I’m in regular contact with a lot of SuperSexyHeroines subscribers, and as some of them will know, taking on the UltraSexyHeroines.com, SuperheroineFilms.com and SuperheroinePeril.com websites is actually a lot more work than I anticipated. The thing is, my job is not just to keep them alive and keep them posting new superheroine content – the reason I have got on-board is to make them … Continue reading Feedback on making UltraSexyHeroines.com, SuperheroineFilms.com and SuperheroinePeril.com better
I need some help from you guys. I’m on the hunt for the BEST Wonder Woman outfit that I can get my hand on. We have a few variations of the Wonder Woman costume here, but I’m looking for something really spectacular. There are lots of Wonder Woman outfits on the web, but they tend to be the mass produced ones which are pretty bad … Continue reading Wonder Woman outfit
How do you prefer your superheroines to transform from normal clothing to their superheroine costume?survey Continue reading Superheroine transformations
Its Friday night and instead of having a few drinks with my buddies I’m on my computer pondering a few things. Actually, one general them: Peril, distress, hypnotising, lack of power, conflict, etc, etc. Most of you guys know that I’m not into peril at all. I like my supergirls to be super, to be strong, etc, etc. But…. I know that a lot of … Continue reading Superheroine peril and distress
Its about that time when I start to think that we need to add some new superheroines to the SuperSexyHeroines sorority. I’ve a couple of ideas of my own, but of course I would love your group feedback. I’ve been thinking of the following, but if you have any ideas or have seen any other costumes you think our girls would look hot in, just … Continue reading New superheroines
Okay, so the knee high boots are looking like a winner. But, what style of knee length are we thinking? Miss Power’s style of blue boot – which do you prefer(surveys) Continue reading Miss Powers boots – what style of knee length
Okay, so I’m sensing that there is a little unrest with Miss Power’s choice of footwear! I just wanted to get a quick poll of what people think. What leg/footer wear would you prefer Miss Power to be wearing?(polls) Continue reading Miss Power’s Boots